PR: Replace text like a Pro with my Multi Text Editor application
I created a program to automate text modifications including replaces, inserts and removals. As part of this work I wanted to create some nice-looking interface that would help user to achieve the tasks more easily. I have used my skills in WPF and C#. It is some sort of a simplified replacement for regular expressions: it allows you to enter all search conditions in a user-friendly form, as well as to make a replacement directly in the text inserted into the program, either in a file or in a set of files specified by a mask.
P.S. I used to post everything on my site, but there is not much demand, so I don’t see the point in continuing to maintain my site. I'll do something more interesting. If someone is still interested in the program, write - I will send the installer.

P.S. I used to post everything on my site, but there is not much demand, so I don’t see the point in continuing to maintain my site. I'll do something more interesting. If someone is still interested in the program, write - I will send the installer.

UPDATE. GitHub link
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